Tuesday 9 August 2011

Lumpenproletariats pretending to "Riot"

After years of rampant consumerism, credit and celebrity obsession, is it any wonder why these people who can't have what they want, can now take what they want?

Education prevents violence (The government cut money on education and increased university fee's so that most young people can't have a chance to an education).  These people "rioting" are uneducated and have no hope to an education.

Funny how some people let politicians and bankers set fire to whole countries' economies and their people's future, but now they're in shock of the results.

The "riots" in London have nothing to do with anarchy or standing up for rights - They are the fruits of capitalism and consumerism - creating greed and selfishness.  Add to this, the Conservative government cutting money to youth centres, libraries, education centres etc.  What a recipe for disaster.

So why?  Why are these people so disaffected, disenfranchised and angry?

They're "rioting" because they are failing.  It's rage against the exclusion from consumerist fulfilment.  What a horrible society we live in.

It's kind of like an echo of the Brixton riots in 1981.  Royal wedding, Recession, Conservative Government cutting spending dramatically.  History repeats itself, first as a tragedy. and second as a farce.  That is exactly what these "riots" are, a pathetic farce.  A bunch of uneducated, greedy, selfish, brainwashed kids who want to be rich and wealthy: Lumpenproletariats:

"The Lumpenproletariat is that sector of the population that, having been denied a legitimate way to make a living, resorts to the illegitimate: i.e. thieves, fences, drug pushers, numbers men, gamblers, pimps, prostitutes, loan sharks, thugs"

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